Except, of course, your issues with what I link and say....
Thank you, Phil.
Well, I thought the one add-on would handle it all, but I guess not the light-on-dark problem. So HERE is the add-on for that. I want you to be happy, dammit.
These are for Firefox users, which seems to be most people. There are comparable extensions for Safari, and I'm sure Chrome and the others also have them... or soon will.
My absolute favorite font is Helvetica Neue Light... maybe even Ultra Light... but had only been able to achieve the plain Helvetica Neue, which I don't end up liking as much as this goofy one with the taller talls and the shorter shorts. I must admit it is more difficult to read. While looking to find you an example of what I had wanted, I ended up finding the CSS to make the light or ultra-light font. So you may be experiencing an abrupt change in font around here soon.
OR... there is a Safari extension that turns every page font to Helvetica for you. So there must be one in Firefox as well.
I really mean everyone can have everything they want while surfing nowadays. It only takes a little ducking around in the add-ons manager or extension gallery or whatever the heck your browser calls it. If yer on IE, you have to just suck eggs, I think. It turns all the fancy fonts into Arial and calls it a day. But nobody uses that browser anymore except my mother.
Or... not.... I don't know if the advice given on the CSS for my favorite font is obsolete or if Blogger doesn't like it or if I'm just too bleary today or whut, but I keep coming up with bubkes on it. So, so it'll be later... or never. I am on the point of writing up a short wish list and asking someone expert to just tweak my template for me, so I don't have to think about it anymore, but maybe I just need to wait for the biorhythm that lets me crack these nuts and then sit back and wonder what my problem was all that time. Maybe after the root canal. Tuesday. Only a couple more days to ward off the brain-shattering toothache. I can do it.
Okay. Since I'm not happening with the perfect font thing, I figured I could go about finding a possibly more doable white for this text. I think "zinc" has less glare while still allowing for contrast with links and doesn't dull-out the overall look... much... does it? And I made the font just a quarter of a pixel bigger. Any more than that and I start hating the overall look and the font.
Of course, I'm blind now from gaping so closely at all this for so long....