i've posted about this before

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Beside being stupid and inhumane and unconstitutional, you can't goddam put parents in jail for their kids' truancy because there'd be no one left at home to feed them and keep a roof over their heads. It was total dipshittery from the word go, but nobody's going to bring that up if you've sucked Willie's willy.

Nope, not a bit of it.

If we were but a large colony of post-apocalyptic CHILDREN we'd be more sensible and moral and intelligent than these raving psychopaths.

pipe up any time....

too truthful and unladylike

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For the zombie elite....

pipe up any time....

probably not until monday

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But they've been posting on Fridays, too, lately....

pipe up any time....

an example

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Of why cowboys are so vitally important to us.

pipe up any time....

chemical weapons

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Were used by the IDF on UN Peacekeepers in Southern Lebanon.

pipe up any time....

these are screen caps

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From posts of screen caps with no links. I can't get in there to check the screen caps from the names, only if they're linked. So maybe you'd like to check for them on X.

I do know that it's sucking radically harder in Ukraine right now....

pipe up any time....


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He's dern amazing. That's a fact.

pipe up any time....

i don't suppose

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We'd let them form a permanent non-aggression pact, so this might be their best way to signal it to each other. Look, I'm gonna stay out of your shit, and if you fuck with me, I'll just nuke your Gangnam Style ass.

pipe up any time....

this was released earlier yesterday

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Simply as Nosbaracktu looking mildly irked with Brandon. It's morphed into a meme.

pipe up any time....

spoiler alert!

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Soldiers are uploading their gloating videos... I'm not going to look.

pipe up any time....

my ears get angry at old men

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I need them to stop clearing their throats so loudly. I think they won't take antihistamines because they tend to make people stop peeing at some point, but jesus-christ-on-a-crutch, it's like fingernails on a blackboard.

We NEED to listen to them! A decent number of them have vital and lucid things to say to us, but the grunting and barking eructations are worse than hearing their breathing from the other end of the house.

There are ways to cope with this shit that don't make people who can still hear so agitated we lose concentration while trying to keep our guts from leaping out of our skin.

pipe up any time....

you know this is the zombie apocalypse

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When sane people need to make such a list.

pipe up any time....


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But very cool.

pipe up any time....

oh, and department of no shit sherlock

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I can't fathom that jackass being on tv, on any tv, and it just started raining very decisively. Like, not kidding, serious rain. Might help with the sleep.

pipe up any time....


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Maybe I'll drop for a morning nap now.

pipe up any time....


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Except that costs money....

pipe up any time....

and jesus

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MORE cynicism... from corrupt idiots with superiority complexes.

pipe up any time....