I didn't know if this was a hoax, was just talking earlier with jo6 about thinking the poles must be shifting, though, and it feels right because the sun comes in my north window much longer in the evenings than in any of the five summers I've been here.
I know for sure there are many Inuit who speak English better than you and I, so it's shady just in that aspect, and all the Out There boards are buzzing with it, but I have to wade through and see if there is more than this video to back it up. DO remember about the sun coming this year earlier than ever before—was it a day? two?—somewhere they gather for the annual return of the the sunrise. They do admit the magnetic poles are way outta whack, and I feel this HAS to mean the earth itself must follow at some point. It defies the laws of [known] physics to have the poles go so far off course and not bring matter along with them, and, worse, it feels wrong.
It could be there's no "climate change" in either direction beyond the consequences of pole shift.
I mean, by all means, IGNORE the "climate change" frame in the CBC report. They're going to want to make the indians seem quaint and confirming of global warming, and all that, but the bare fact that the elders are speaking of the reorientation of the snow drifts and the celestial bodies says it all.
So you have to ask yourself right now if you believe them. Do you believe the machine or do you believe the elders? Further, you can't just take it in and think how fascinating it is and continue to fall into the mental grooves you're being conditioned to travel anyway. Life on earth is not a spectator sport.
Why isn't this all over the news? Why don't you hear of teams of scientists headed north to take precise measurements. Are the astrophysicists abuzz with this? For or against? Some film director has to bring it up in a documentary in Inuit? Are you all nuts?
Before you just start riffing on what you learned in school and what you've seen in the climate debates... before you resort to your conditioning... to what you've been taught to think...
Those Inuit elders are not quaint old natives telling superstitious stories. They're highly intelligent and competent adult human beings who don't make shit up. They weren't talking to wasichu. They were talking to one of their own, and in their own language. I don't care HOW hard it is on your mental landscape, BEFORE you leap, LOOK. You can slide right by the lethal-to-you insult of taking their testimony with a grain of salt.
Don't look for what others are saying about it. That's a big part of why I use ZenTube for you here. Beside the esthetic, it prevents going off down the garden path in the comments and side videos without clicking over to YouTube for it. It's to help keep me from being appalled by the SHIT people bring up, and to keep us all trying to take or leave stuff on its merits or lack thereof.
I'm all about dropping the mental conditioning, leaving the herd and finding the truth.
It also occurs to me that the farther north or south one is, the more noticeable the celestial changes are apt to be. I mean, I remember being disturbed from the back seat of the car on our way north to Seattle every summer about the sun, moon and stars not acting right, thinking we should be gaining on them or leaving them behind, but no, sez my mother, they're so far away we can't get ahead of them in the car. I know we were always in Seattle or even up in BC when it was the height of summer and it wouldn't get dark until 10:30 or 11 at night. I remember the bewilderment of the summer nights being so short down in California after we stopped heading north for a month every summer.
It's jarring now when I go down to the Bay Area and it's dark earlier than when I'm here. I guess I'm trying to say that few of us is as attuned to our situation in the cosmos as we were when we were young. We still can notice differences... and maybe we are putting out of our minds differences that might be more meaningful than we might have supposed. That's part of it, part of stopping and looking, the determination to not just fly right over important things, dismissing them when they don't fit into the picture we've been taught is reality. We're looking for the real one.