I heard about this last night and have tried to find something cogent about it a few times today, but the closest I get is THIS....
HERE is proof this quake was on the original site, but no longer there. The 8.4 was located at the northwestern corner of Libya... NOT the one at Crete that shows up on the maps now.
HERE is the information that was on the site confirming the quake... gotten from a someone's screenshot on a forum....
It just occurred to me that an explanation for the anomaly could be that the seismic station that recorded it got hit with one of our missiles....
Oh, well, so, and, er, seems someone else is even MORE vivid about it than I am! Qaddafi with NUKES! What a concept! Now I'm smiling at the prospect. [I know, I know, that's twisted, but I can't help it. I've had to take my contacts out and trying to nail this down with just my cheaters is making me even crazier than when I started.]
HERE is the translation of a Romanian news item "admitting" the mistake... EXCEPT, if this report were true, there would be evidence of the lower magnitude Libyan quake on the sites instead of dead air where that quake hit.
And it WAS twitfaced to bits. Random comment:
It is amazing that so many people have now reported on this ‘earthquake’ and yet the mainstream media has still been strangely silent. Usually if something trends so much, they are the first to jump on the bandwagon. Very weird!Plus, they're yelling about it on the Daily Paul.
So, to summarize, and in concluuuusion, there was a large seismic event in northwestern Libya that registered 8.4, and was confirmed, and then was retracted, disappeared from all quake sites, with one lame entry in a Romanian paper to say it was a mistake but not theirs, only a 5.2... but leaving the blaring veracity problem of NOTHING being registered anywhere the supposed 5.2 should then have shown up. I am content to say now that an 8.4 something happened in northwestern Libya and they have disappeared ALL trace of it online except that which was quickly memorialized in video, screen shots and one Romanian newspaper.
I am still bent, I guess, because now I'm laughing heartily. I keep imagining the Chinese or the Russians sneaking in a nuke and dropping it down a well and causing QUANTA of crapped pants in DC and London and Paris. My sides are starting to hurt from the mental images flashing.
Yes, yes, I know they will do their uppermost to make me regret my few moments of mirth at their expense.